Коты Воители. Ангелы и демоны.

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Нужные игроки!

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персонажи для сюжета(http://myhistoricats.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=137) СРОЧНО!!!:
Бездушная звезда( графиня племени Костей )
Будущая графиня племени Солнца
Жнец племени луны, его ученик и воитель
Два ангела, один из них отступник



Now she offered, and Slava could not refuse such an option.
I sent the natural needs and looked to the conductor. The donut, without looking at me, gave me a bottle of mineral water, specifying where I was going and noting something in the notebook. I returned to the compartment. Victor was already asleep, starting to snore quite loudly. I drank almost two glasses of water and climbed onto my shelf. But sleep did not come. Rather, the neighbor's snoring drove him away. Okay, I thought, and went downstairs. There was a pack of cigarettes on the table. I took one and went. But already in the vestibule I discovered that I had neither matches nor a lighter. And they weren't on the table. After thinking, I decided to ask the conductor. It turned out that the ladies have changed. Marina the second was already working. Unlike Pyshka, she was not in a uniform skirt, but in pants.
Arriving at the station, I noticed that at least today, there were few people on the platform, and inside the station. While waiting for the train, several times I crossed my eyes with the guys and girls who were sitting in front of me. There were 7 of them, and they are not together.
Do not know.
It's a pity, Tanya agreed. But, such is life.
"And today we'll try with a finger, if you like it, then later Seryozha will try to insert his penis into your ass"


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